domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2022


 The growing demand for electricity as a result of socioeconomic development generated for a few decades the need to find solutions and alternatives, the most feasible was the construction of large hydroelectric plants.

To operate A hydroelectric plant uses the fluctuation of large amounts of water for the activation of a turbine that when connected to a generator converts mechanical energy into electricity.

Its principles are basic, however, there is no river or river environment that alone generates the necessary pressure naturally, so large structures called dams were artificially built-in order to contain large amounts of water deviated from the normal flow of a river.

The main problem is that by changing the fluvial condition of the surface of bone waters of  very little flow, the waters having no flow change the geomorphology of the area drastically, the rate of decomposition of organic matter is increased generating greenhouse gasses such as methane. On the other hand, the water loses its concentration of oxygen extinguishing the life of aerobic nature   and, due to the great pressure, the weight of the dammed water totally changes the conditions of the soil generating landslides.

The drastic changes generated by the construction of the dam bring with them the extinction of fauna, flora and native species opening the way to exotic creatures adaptable to the conditions,

Migratory species are also affected by the fact that destroying their habitat also decreases the possibility of acquiring food and shelter.

The construction of these reservoirs affects the conditions of human life because sources of drinking water such as springs, necessary for daily life are diminished. Sometimes populations are forced to move affecting their possibilities of development and self-sustenance, in the process entire crops are razed as well as farms and homes, also those riverine populations whose economic activity was based on fishing are forced to look for another means of income leaving them in ruin.

The exodus of these populations results in the implementation of other agricultural activities such as livestock which require large tracts of land necessary for grazing livestock and planting other types of crops. Additionally, a large number of plots are needed for the construction of new homes, increasing deforestation and the destruction of habitats for animal and plant life.

Other important points about the impact of the construction of reservoirs near civilization is the emergence of different diseases generated by viruses and bacteria in the waters, droughts in different regions that are fed by the river on which the structure was built and the shortage of food generated by the lack of water for the irrigation of crops.

Currently there are strategic proposals for the use of new technologies, some already in the process of implementation and others still in development that collaborate in the reduction of pollution and exclusive dependency of water as the main source of electricity production Some clear examples are:

PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY: using solar panels to capture electrons from UV rays, storing the electricity generated in batteries and then being released.

WIND ENERGY: the force of the wind that when moving a wind turbine converts kinetic energy into electricity.

TIDAL ENERGY: it is generated by the movement of the tide, waves or marine currents.

As we can see in the media and daily life, the tools and techniques already exist, however, as long as limiting factors (social, political and economic) are present, we will not be able to see forceful changes in the process of electricity generation that benefits the civilian population and the environment.

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